How My #FirstSevenJobs Impacted My Career

Over the last few days, the #FirstSevenJobs hashtag began trending on Facebook and Twitter and as I read through exciting and unique roles that others have had, it got me reminiscing and evaluating my own past. From hot air balloon chase crew member Kane Jamison, to paper warehouse clerk Pamela Lund, spiral ham slicer and […]

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How My #FirstSevenJobs Impacted My Career

Over the last few days, the #FirstSevenJobs hashtag began trending on Facebook and Twitter and as I read through exciting and unique roles that others have had, it got me reminiscing and evaluating my own past. From hot air balloon chase crew member Kane Jamison, to paper warehouse clerk Pamela Lund, spiral ham slicer and glazer Damon Gochneaur, sales associate Rhea Drysdale, lifeguard Karianne Stinson, hip hop DJ Joe Youngblood, horse stall cleaner John Doherty, and many more, it’s fascinating to learn more about the employment beginnings of others and to see where they currently are in their careers. As I enjoyed perusing these lists that friends shared, it got me thinking in more detail about where I began, where I had been, where I am now, what I learned along the way, and where I strive to be. Every experience we have at a job leaves an imprint on who we become and the work that we do. In hindsight, it’s quite remarkable how certain exposures and responsibilities on the job formed future skill sets and provided a better understanding for business and other people as a whole.


Akvile DeFazio
Akvile DeFazio
August 8th, 2016

Featured: Life Marketing

Taking The Leap: 6 Months In

Time sure flies, doesn’t it? It feels as though I just began freelancing full time yesterday, and here we are now, six months later. As I write that, it truly sets in. I’ve often thought about how much time has passed since November, but writing it out makes it real. These last six month have been nothing short of fulfilling work related bliss. During Steve Jobs’ frequently quoted Stanford commencement address back in 2005, he spoke words that have resonated with me since; don’t settle until you are doing what you love. I’ve made it this far and I am excited to see what the next half of the year has in store.


Akvile DeFazio
Akvile DeFazio
April 20th, 2015